Friday, September 13, 2019

The Grand Theory Of Care And Its Using In Patient Care Essay

The Grand Theory Of Care And Its Using In Patient Care - Essay Example In the core circle is the patient who is under the nursing care and receiving treatments within the treatment center. Due to her independence and liberty, the core sets his or her personal goals and thus behaves in line with such goals. According to McCrae (227), patients are made of different overlapping parts that are brought together into one common aspect by the attitude, skills, and experience of nurses. The personality of the patient defined the approach adopted by the nurses in caring for them as attitude play an important role in the process of caring for patients generally. The pathologic state determined the treatment approach adopted and the number of healthcare professionals engaged in the process of providing the same (McCrae 225). McCrae also attributed proper services such as bathing, toileting, moving, dressing and undressing among others are all included in the caring role of nurses in this theory. Whenever the core is not in a place to provide care to them, it is incumbent upon the nurses to provide the same through closeness and interpersonal relationship that eliminates the feeling of loneliness. McCrae (222), approaches the 3C theory from its three major concepts which are care, core, and cure whose interaction ensure that a patient’s medical state is improved. As has been noted, the nurses must endeavor to improve the care process for the overlapping to be complete and the theory to work fully. Apart from the care part of the theory, there are also the core and the cure that is needed and applied in the process of caring for the patient and improving their physical and mental states. The core element of the theory is multidisciplinary and shared among different health professionals within the care center. Bjork (2336) states that despite the comfort provided by the nurse through the care circle, the psychological and physical being of the same person is enhanced to aptly respond to  medication and the treatment provided.

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