Monday, September 9, 2019

Marijuana should be legalized or not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marijuana should be legalized or not - Essay Example It is very hard for authorities to reprimand a person for behavior that injures or harms only himself or herself (Clifford 23-26). According to philosophy, current regulation on drugs is unjustified and that some drugs such as marijuana that have been made illegal are treated like alcohol or tobacco. Marijuana should not be legalized despite the ethical implications associated with its use. Body The use of marijuana will lead to increased organized crime rates, corrupt governments, increased violence, and economic markets distortions. The social, economic, and political effects that substance abuse has had on the entire society are self-evident. For instance, a substantial number of Americans who succumb due to drug-related complications has soared. Direct health care costs have also increased to large extents. Besides, substance abuse cost Americans billions of dollars annually. Further, there is Low productivity in the U.S due to morbidity, which has adversely affected the American economy (Boschert 29). Drug- related crimes are the order of the day in U.S in that crime rate has tremendously heightened. Consequently, crime and law enforcement costs have been on the rise due to increases in use of illegal use of marijuana. This has invoked the American government to tighten up its belt in the fight against illicit drug and substance abuse. Psychoactive drugs have been incorporated in social events such as celebrations, religious ceremonies, and rites of passage. When discussing the issue of recreational drugs, it is sensible to talk about the harm associated with these drugs (Sabet 2009). Marijuana can be taken on regular basis with no ill basis but long-term exposure and intake of drugs is harmful. Majority of people die from drug induced causes such as organ damage, heart attack, and even overdose. In addition, there are some healths risks associated with marijuana drugs such as sexually transmitted diseases that arise from poor precautionary judgment. Apart from the self-inflicted harm, there is harm that is caused to others in society such as increased crime rate from users who cannot control their system since drugs consumed inhibits their legitimate decisions (Kilmer 39-42). Theft and muggings are commonly associated with addiction and women who are under the influence of drugs would engage in prostitution without their own convictions to do so. Children born in families where parents are drug user’s end up homeless while family resources are depleted. The idea of selling and using marijuana has both legal and moral issues. On one hand, if the government legalized the use of marijuana in society, we can deduce whether application of marijuana is immoral or not. If the law allows an individual to engage or do certain things, it does not mean that the person should do it. On the other hand, even if the use of marijuana is not morally acceptable we can question ourselves whether the use of such drugs is illegal or not. The law has many flaws in that it allows us to do many things that are immoral such as saying lies to other people (Boschert 32-34). The whole purpose and motive of marijuana is for the pleasure that they produce to the user. Search for pleasure comes natural to us as human beings. It is human nature that people are pleasure seeking and what makes life enjoyable is in pleasure of larger variety. There are pleasures in food, drugs, or romance. This way brain chemistry

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