Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ludovico Ariosto :: Essays Papers

Ludovico Ariosto Ludovico Ariosto is considered by some as the greatest epic poet of the 16th century. He has been called the â€Å"Italian Homer† and is recognized as a great influence on the works of William Shakespeare. Ariosto was born on September 8, 1474 to Nicoli and Daria Ariosto. Nicoli was the governor of Reggio, which probably influenced his son’s choice of career. At an early age, Ariosto began to study law. Thus began his career in politics. From 1503 to 1517 he served at the court of the Cardinal Ippolito d’Estes as a courtier, ambassador, and administrator. In 1518 it is rumored that he fell out of the Cardinal’s favor, so he sought employment with the Cardinal’s brother, the Duke Alfonso of Ferrara. Ariosto made Ferrara his home for the remainder of his life. He moved on to govern the district of Garfagnana from 1522-1525. His greatest achievement while governing Garfagnana was riding it of the robber bands that had infested the area. Arou nd 1530 he married his mistress and love of his life, Alessandra Benucci. He died at Ferrara on June 6, 1533. GRAFICA Despite his long service in politics, Ariosto’s true passion was poetry. He dedicated over 20 years of his life to studying the works of Greek and Latin authors. Ariosto wrote satires, drama, and epics in the ancient form. The Latin influence can be best seen in his satiric works, which were written for the entertainment of the Cardinal. Ariosto was one of the earliest in a long chain of artists, poets, and writers who took inspiration from the Greek and Roman classics. For Ariosto poetry was more than just an art, it was an obsession, he spent many years revising and rewriting his poetry to achieve the perfect literal form. His son states, â€Å"He (Ariosto) was never satisfied with his verses, that he kept changing them again and again, and for this reason never remembered them (Chroche pg. 31).† His masterpiece, Orlando Furioso, took over 30 years to create a final draft. Orlando Furioso (The Mad Roland, Roland Enraged, The Crazy Orlando, etc.) is Ariostoâ₠¬â„¢s most recognized work. The poem is a continuation of Orlando Innamorato (Orlando in Love), written by Matteo Maria Boiardo. It is considered by some as the greatest literary work of the entire 16th century.

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