Thursday, September 19, 2019

Servant Leadership Essay example -- Religion Faith Religious Vocation

Servant Leadership Vocation is our call to be the best that we can be, each of us in our own way, so that we may better ourselves and society. Servant leadership is the truest fulfillment of our responsibility to charity and social concern. Servant leadership provides a charismatic self-identification, and thus we can better define our lives and commit ourselves to a fruitful vocation. Christ came into the world as the King of all humanity. He came as the redeemer of our world. However, Jesus did not come into this world to be served, He came to serve. Although Christ is no longer with us, His mission and his legacy live on in us, the Church. We are called to be the Body of Christ by fostering the brotherhood of all men (Dulles 85). We are called to be Christ to one another and to act as the suffering servant. Dulles tells us that we too are called to serve, to heal, to reconcile, and to bind up wounds. We are called to bring about the Kingdom of God. In being Christ to all around us, Pope John Paul II tells us that â€Å"we must make the poor feel at home. Without this form of evangelization through charity and without the witness of Christian poverty, the proclamation of the Gospel, which itself is the prime form of charity, risks being misunderstood† (Wojtyla 4). Pope John Paul II tells us that we are to be Christ to all we meet, so that we may make all people feel dignified and wholly human. We must value the sacredness of each individual person so that we may transform this earth into the Kingdom of God. We are given a divine mission to reach out to all others in our lives, and if we do not serve others as Christ has served us, then we risk misinterpretation of the m... ...Models of the Church. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 2002. - New American Bible, The. Grand Rapids, MI: Catholic World Press. 1991. - Nouwen, Henri J.M. In the Name of Jesus. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1989. - Smith, Christian, and Jerry Z. Park. â€Å"’To Whom Much Has Been Given†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢: Religious Capital and Community Voluntarism Among Churchgoing Protestants.† Journal for Scientific Study of Religion. 39 (2000): 272-286. - Velander, Peter. "Reflections on Christian Leadership." Clergy Journal 78.8 (2002): 19-22. - Wojtyla, Karol (Pope John Paul II). â€Å"In All Things Charity: A Pastoral Challenge for the New Millenium.† Catholic International. 12.3 (2001): 10-17. ---. â€Å"Novo Milennio Ineunte: ‘Time for a New Creativity in Charity.’† Catholic International. 12.3 (2001): 3-10.

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