Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The beginning of civilization Essay Example for Free

The beginning of civilization Essay From the very early years of the beginning of civilization, man has been responsible for completing a set of tasks. In the initial stages of evolution the work of a man was supposed to be hunting and protecting the family, while females were supposed to be their family nurturers and caretakers. As time passed by, there was formation of society, and new occupations started emerging, giving the people jobs without the bias of their gender. But with every developing phase there are its cons, that are inevitable, and unemployment is of the biggest problems of not only poor nations, but also developing and developed nations. Unemployment is such a phase in a person’s life, which makes him think that he is vulnerable, and gives him a feeling of being subdued by the pressure of the society. In today’s world were money is supposed to be the only prime objective in a person’s life, and when someone is unemployed, he has to face the brunt of being incapable of financially stabilizing himself, which leads to social and psychological problems, which ultimately gives a clear message of the help that is required by these individuals. In the world of booming population and migrant supposition, individuals are left with huge amount of pressure to acquire a job, and when that individual fails to do so, he is left with very disturbing thoughts which ultimately lead to crime, suicide, depression, humiliation and feeling of internal failure. Unemployment itself is a very large word and is diversified into sub categories, the very first category is known as the cyclical unemployment, which exists due to the lack of demand of labor, second category is of technological unemployment, where newer technologies reduce the hands of labor that work in an organization. The third category is of Classical wage conflict, when unemployment occurs due to the divergence arising in the minimum wage criteria. The fourth kind is known as structural unemployment, which is caused to due geographical disparity. Then there is common fresher unemployment, where individuals have to face unemployment looking for their first jobs after finishing their courses. The sixth kind of category is related with the seasonal occupation, where individuals are only employed during the season. One of the worst categories is the uneducated and unskilled unemployment category, where the individual has to go through a lot, as he/she does not know even where to start from. Unemployment if it has to be put on papers then it is an social issue, an unemployed and frustrated youth is more dangerous than organized criminal, as the mentality of a depressed unemployed person is to grab any opportunity he can and would very easily forget the thin line between right and wrong, and the same is best expressed by Macarov below: â€Å" In the United States, unemployment and pockets of unemployment are often seen as problems not only in themselves but as indicators of a high incidence of related problems† Any problem that has got to do with social issues, social workers step in to help resolve and pacify the problem. Unemployment is one of America’s greatest crux problem, and unemployment apart from being a social problem, automatically also becomes a social workers problem too, as it has a massive negative impact on the society. An unemployed person be it a labor or a graduate, has to go through an ordeal, as most of them are likely to have financial responsibilities behind them and it is because of this burden, they are likely to commit felonies or suicides, or anything that would ultimately lead to destruction of either of their own lives or public’s lives and properties. This becomes harder for a social worker, as he does not know up to what level or what decree an unemployed youth with huge amount of depression and frustration is capable of. Unemployment initially is a personal problem, but with due time, i. e. the patience level of an unemployed person when it ceases to exist, it can lead to a psychological problem. When the unemployed person starts losing hope in having hoped to get a job, he can get into depression and that ultimately can lead to psychological problems. This is best explained by the following: â€Å"At a more individual level, the stress model suggests interventions soon after the stressor has occurred for the secondary prevention of psychological symptoms and losing a job seems a likely trigger of mental disorder generally and depression in particular† (Courtesy: David Dooley, Ralph Catalano, Georjeanna Wilson, â€Å"American Journal of Community Psychology†, Vol. 22). The initial problems of an unemployed youth are falling behind peers, and watching the burden of responsibility increase on them, but after a while it take its toll on them leading to complex psychological problems. The consequences of unemployment are best expressed below: â€Å"Consequences for the specific individuals facing sustained periods of unemployment are decidedly not. They may suffer permanent damage to their employment and income prospects as a result of a period of unemployment early in their â€Å"working† lives† (Courtesy: Niall O’Higgins, Labor Market Economist,† the challenge of youth Unemployment, Retrieved on February 10th 2008, from site http://www. ilo. org/public/english/employment/strat/download/etp7. pdf) Social work is one of the key factors that would help people facing troubles related with unemployment, as social service is the only way that would understand the different facets of unemployment and would treat each unemployed person as a different case. According to the latest OCED report, America had an average of 4. 6% as unemployment rate in the year 2007, which though was better than the average 6, it can be understood, that country of such a huge size with comparably lesser population in terms of India and China, has an unemployment rate lesser than that of Taiwan and Norway. This just shows the amount of social work that would be required to help people and give them a lending hand in their problems. What actually social work can do is firstly sort the category of unemployed people and give them support and can raise unemployment issues with the local authorities to help secure those jobs along with silently pacifying them with sessions of control and hope and education them on lines on unemployment insurances and other government policies and bringing in welfare programs like the way it was bought during the ‘Great Depression’ . However social work cannot give them a job, they can only raise the issue, also counseling done by them will be only for the people who are willing to take support and are ready to accept help, but social work would not be able to target those individuals who have crossed the limits of depression and have already thought of harming themselves or the society. â€Å"An empty mind is a devil’s workshop†, this quote goes well with the millions of unemployed people, and if not given proper guidance by social groups or if then don’t get jobs in time, then it is more like a time bomb that is ticking much fast, and will someday, swallow the whole nation because of frustration and depression by them. Reference: 1) David Macarov, â€Å"Social welfare: structure and practice†, published in 1995, by SAGE publishers 2) Jeff Singleton,† The American Dole: Unemployment Relief and the welfare state in the great depression†, published in 2000, by Greenwood publishers. 3) Niall O’Higgins, Labor Market Economist,† the challenge of youth Unemployment†, http://www. ilo. org/public/english/employment/strat/download/etp7. pdf 4) Henry George, â€Å"How to Help the Unemployed†, published in The North American Review, February, 1894, http://homepage. ntlworld. com/janusg/hgh/helpun. htm 5) Robert Moroney, Judy Krysik, â€Å"Social policy and Social work†, published by Aldine Transaction 6) Ministry of social development New Zealand, â€Å"International Comparison†, http://www. socialreport. msd. govt. nz/paid-work/unemployment. html

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