Saturday, August 10, 2019

Social Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Networks - Essay Example The users read the profile pages of other members, share views and ideas, give comments and contact them via their profiles. In short, an SNS is a great means of bringing people of same wave length together and socializing with the outside world. People create their profiles which are in fact their identities which may be real or fake. SNSs have redefined identity development in a way that people can now make friends which are even not their type but of the type of the new identity that has been created on the SNS profile. This paper argues that it is important to keep only one identity in the online world in order to realize our inner selves and to keep our offline and online world integrated together. Everything related to our identity affects our agency in our online and offline worlds, be that something as simple as a name. As stated earlier, SNSs enable people to make their profiles with different names and identities in the online world. The connections made with this fake name and identity will be quite different from those made in the offline world. Thus, anybody making a profile in the online world with a fake name will be having two identities; one real that is in the offline world, and the other fake which is in the online world. ... If he takes this identity to the online world and makes use of the SNSs as a support to the offline connections, then he is able to keep the two worlds working in harmony with each other. However, if he creates a separate identity in the online worlds, then the connections with that identity will not correlate with those in the offline world thus keeping the two worlds segregated from each other. We should not perceive our online and offline worlds separately. We should make true profiles with our original identities on the SNSs so that we are able to perceive the two worlds as a single entity and not as two segregated entities. It is not possible in this busy world to run two separate worlds together or maintain different identities in the two worlds; however, we cannot deny the presence of scams and fraudulent activities taking place on the internet which are apt to steal away our identities from the profiles we make online. So, we should only trust authenticated SNSs and make true profiles there with the primary objective to support our offline connections and secondary objective to make new connections. Life will be much easier and sophisticated if we try to perceive the two worlds as a solo unit. Also, an identity becomes disfavored when it is not true. When it gets hacked, it loses its reliability and thus becomes disfavored. Identity thieves are common in the online worlds which steal, misuse, disclose or sell the true identities and thus cheat innocent persons. When an identity is stolen, it loses its credibility and thus is regarded as disapproved because it is not to be relied on for future connections, comments, sharing of information like pictures and files, and other activities of the sort. Disfavored identities must be deactivated from

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