Monday, May 4, 2020

Value Chain Analysis Complaint By Customer

Question: Discuss about the Report for Value Chain Analysis of Complaint By Customer. Answer: 1- Analysis: Total complaint by customer Total Complaint by customer is 719, Detail of complaint by customer as below mention (Excel Easy, n.d.): Complaint Type Count of Complaint Damaged 12 Delivery 57 Invoice Error 3 Lost In Transit 7 Other 104 Packaging 18 Poor Response 76 Quality of workmanship 2 Wrong Product 176 Wrong Quantity 264 Grand Total 719 Total complaint types Total complaint types are 10, i.e. Wrong Quantity, Wrong Product etc. Details of complaint types are as under: S.No. Complaint Type 1 Damaged 2 Delivery 3 Invoice Error 4 Lost In Transit 5 Other 6 Packaging 7 Poor Response 8 Quality of workmanship 9 Wrong Product 10 Wrong Quantity Total Customer Complaints Raised by Product Family Total Customer Complaints Raised by Product Family are as under, total product family are 15. S.No. Product Family Count of Complaint 1 PF1 47 2 PF10 55 3 PF11 46 4 PF12 60 5 PF13 42 6 PF14 48 7 PF15 47 8 PF2 54 9 PF3 48 10 PF4 47 11 PF5 44 12 PF6 41 13 PF7 48 14 PF8 49 15 PF9 43 Grand Total 719 Total Complaints Raised by CSR staffs As per Customers Complaints Data Base There is nothing Complaints Raised by CSR staffs all complaints raised by customers. Problem definition: Top 3 problems in terms of complaint types Ans.: Top 3 problems in terms of complaint types are Wrong quantity, wrong product other, count of complaint as below mention: S.No. Complaint Type Count of Complaint 1 Wrong Quantity 264 2 Wrong Product 176 3 Other 104 Top 3 problems in terms of product family Top 3 problems in terms of product family are PF12, PF10 PF2 S.No. Product Family Count of Complaint 1 PF12 60 2 PF10 55 3 PF2 54 Top 3 problems in terms of Customer and CSR staff Ans.: Top 3 problems in terms of Customer and CSR staff are C4, C3, C27 and C31 Details of complaint are as under: S.No. Customer Name Count of Complaint 1 C4 19 2 C3 8 3 C27 7 4 C31 7 Suggestion and Solution: Damaged: All the contents of the material should be save in the container and box to save from the damage. Containers and Boxes should be from the damage proof material. All pads should be unbroken. Warehouse Staff, Distribution centre or receiving department should be trained in term of control/ reduction of damaged product. In DC must be automatic system for checking every material so that not loading damaged Product and system atomically reject damage product. Company may refurbish damage product and sale on discounted prices so that recover losses. Delivery: To confirm accurate transfer, cargo essentials to be labeled correctly. Delivery department needs to be given proper training session for fulfillment of customers requirement. DC must be using highly quality machinery Equipment for better timely delivery Also DC must be using highly upgrade online software for tracking all delivery steps on real time basis. All delivery steps must be check by trend staff. All Delivery staff must be aware for company delivery policy and complete every steps according to company policy. (Petrik J, n.d.) Invoice Error: invoice must be prepared by appropriate software like ERP SAP. All invoices generate with exclusive code. All information must be show in invoice i.e. customer name, Customer Address, Customer order number, product name, Rate, quantity term and condition. Invoice must be print in four copies. One original invoice copy must be given to customer and out of three remaining copy two copy of invoice use for shipping purpose one copy of invoice keep for official use. (Kokemuller N, n.d.) Lost In Transit: All delivery vehicles must be pack and lock properly. Product must be carry as per nature of product. Product must be tag with unique code so that it will be delivered at proper palace. All delivery vehicles must be cover with insurance policy. Delivery system must be trace at every level. DC must be use proper software so that decrease the losses of lost in transit. (Smartdraw, n.d.) Packaging: Each item within the container should be enfolding individually. Breakable articles need both proper partition from each other and approval from the corners and sides of the box. Glass items must not touch other glass items. Proper cushioning material, combined with a strong outer container, will protect the shipment. Packing material must be waterproof, electric proof Damage proof so that product properly wrap and deliver carefully. Warehouse staff must me qualified for packing product as per product size, nature requirement so product never damage between shipping. (Harps L H, 2005) Poor Response: Company should be maintaining a proper call center for attending all customer complaint. Call center staff must be skilled for resolution all complaint and given proper response. The language of call center should be well-mannered and simple so those customers convey the complaint properly. Customer care staff should be timely response to customer and resolve complaint within timeline. Call center calls should be record randomly for quality and guidance purpose. (Mishra P, 2011) Quality of workmanship: The Quality of workmanship depends on nature of work. Warehouse staff must be trained and educated. They have complete information about warehouse working. Staff must be in proper dress up. They must be punctual, hard worker and honest. Staff should be flow rules and regulation as per company policy. (Oracle, n.d.) Wrong Product: Product coding should be sole so that deliver right product at right customer. Product code should be decided according to product name, size or nature. Warehouse staffs make sure arrange and dispatch product according to product code. Coding tag colures may be different so that easily recognize. Packing box colures may be different. (Mccrea B, 2015) Wrong Quantity: Quantity of product must be mention on invoice as well as box so that right quantity should be delivered. At the time of packing warehouse staff should be check physically and make sure deliver quantity match with customer order. References: Excel Easy, n.d., Pivot Tables, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Petrik J, n.d., List of Responsibilities for a Warehouse Worker, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Smartdraw, n.d., Warehouse Layout, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Mishra P, 2011, Warehousing layout-design-and-processes-setup, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Oracle, n.d., Understanding Receiving and Putaway Processing, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Mccrea B, 2015, 8 new ways to think about putaway and storage in your warehouse, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Harps L H, 2005, Best Practices in Today's Distribution Center, Viewed on 24/08/2016, Kokemuller N, n.d., What Is Inbound Logistics Manufacturing?, Viewed on 24/08/2016,

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