Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Living in a Utopia Essay - 980 Words

Living in a Utopia This house believes that realised anarchy, as a political idea is the way to create a perfect society. Imagine a future utopia of our species: A global community of humanity, which will have overcome the disunity of its primitive origin. A united human race, without boundaries dividing it against itself, living harmoniously with itself and with all Nature. A new and truly intelligent species, liberated from all malice -- therefore a species without military or police forces, without war or terrorism, without violence or hate, without crime or injustice, without courts or prisons,†¦show more content†¦An enlightened and benevolent anarchism, such as expressed by the terms, anarcho-pacifism / anarcho-socialism, is, in my view, the only anarchism that can ever work. To arrive at an anarcho-pacifist / anarcho-socialist society, we as a global community must undergo great psychological transformation. Only then can anarchism become a practical ideology for the world. However, we as individuals need not wait for all humanity to find anarchy before we can have anarchy for ourselves. We can manifest anarchy within our own circles of being, individually, here and now; thus becoming individually liberated. The anarchist truly has the best political deal. Whereas the fascist depends upon a fascist government to have fascism, the state socialist upon a socialistic government to have socialism, the democrat upon a democratic government to have democracy, and the libertarian capitalist upon a libertarian government to have laissez faire capitalism, the anarchist can choose to have anarchy, here and now, without any government. Anarchy, the way I see it, is a personal choice, depending on nothing but ones own true will. If one wants anarchy for oneself, one can have it, regardless of the political system society has. All the anarchist needs to doShow MoreRelatedEssay Living in Utopia517 Words   |  3 PagesLiving in Utopia Private property is abolished in Utopia, and society is communally organized in such a way that there is no shortage and that everyone has work, food, a home and opportunities for cultural expression. Sounds great, eh? Would you like to live there, and if not, why? Your answer should take account of Mores context (why he wrote Utopia?) and should be supported by reference to the text. In Thomas Mores Utopia life is very structured there is no crime or prejudicesRead MoreMy Vision Of My Utopia989 Words   |  4 Pagesyou could have the power to create your own utopia, what do you envision? There are a vast amount of utopias that one could build, but since imagination is the only source as of now, what characteristics would I consider for my own? There are many questions that might run through one’s head, like for example: What will the utopia look like? 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